
The Society of Pythagoras

"The number of regular polygons which can be constructed in two-dimensional space is unlimited. The number of regular convex polyhedra in a space of three dimensions is five. The Pythagoreans, who were interested in such matters, regarded the dodecahedron as being worthy of special respect. By extending the sides of one of its pentagonal faces to form a star, they arrived at the pentagram, or triple triangle, which they used as a symbol and badge of the Society of Pythagoras. By this sign they recognized a fellow member. It is a rich source of golden ratios."
H. E. Huntley, The Divine Proportion

The Golden Ratio


The Greek letters labeling the Pentagram encode the developomental sequence of the Elements in their forms:

  • EI (epsilon iota) = Fire: five strokes
  • A (alpha) = Air: four strokes (with broken crossbar)
  • U (upsilon) = Water: three strokes
  • G (gamma) = Earth: two strokes
  • I (iota) = Spirit: one stroke
