

After dividing his forces into three units, Custer with 5 companies attempted to circle the village in order to attack it from the rear (he had no idea how large the village was). Trapped by the counterattacks led by Crazy Horse and Gall, Custer formed a defensive position. Note the letters of the companies: C, E, F, I, L. The logic of conduction (of dreamwork) native to electracy suggests that these letters could possible spell a word. The word is FICEL (ficellestring; (fig.) dodge; (Theat) stage-trick; (Mil slang) stripe. Montrer la ficelle, to betray the secret motive; connaitre les ficelles, to be up to all the tricks (of the trade), to know the ropes.--il est ficelle, he's a trickster. in French). FicelleHalf the dramatist's art, as we well know--since if we don't it's not the fault of the proofs that lie scattered about us--is in the use of ficelles; by which I mean how a character belongs less to my subject than to my treatment of it. (Henry James). is an important critical and theoretical term in my career field. This is an example of meaning created at the point of reception (no one "sent" this message to me). What is the significance of the "three-pronged" strategy expressed in the map--the splitting of the force into three units?

Battlefield Map, Custer's Last Stand

Sitting Bull's Diagram

Community Discourse