My paper is about stability and instability; (so) in the
name of stability, I'd like to begin to think about that eternally cynical
question, what's really the point?, by thinking through two possible approaches
to dealing with the problem of ordering the computer classroom. One approach
is my playful call to order the room chaotically. But very few of us have
the fortunate opportunity to initially dictate how the computer classroom
will be configured. The problem in this case becomes how to work with the
will to order on a practical, pedagogical level. And so I'll follow the
advice of Deborah Holdstein in "I Sing the Body Electric" and advocate
one way I worked with what was available to me ready-to-hand [!].
But the impracticality of my playful proposition doesn't negate the fact
that it raises an important theoretical question for me. Both topoi under
consideration--networking and linearity (instability and stability)--seem
to have been in opposition within past debates, but my experiences teaching
in the computer classroom lead me to believe that they might as well be
interchangeable. Composition theorists such as Lester Faigley, Sharon Crowley,
and Susan Miller have given ample consideration to the instiutional and
ideological practices that construct student subject formation. Here, I'd
like to stretch the question of student subjectivity across the will to
order the computer classroom to argue that networking and linearity, just
as notions of process and product, are equable ways of ordering and thinking
about the world and thus equable creators of subjectivities.