
Basis of Metacognition

Metacognitive Advantages of the MOO

The MOO-based Metacognitive Process

Examples of the Process

Discussion of the Annontated Logs


Works Cited

Editorial Board
Conference MOO Log

Student and Tutor Informed Consent

All students and tutors involved in this project have given their informed consent to their online and offline activity being reviewed, in accordance with the Ball State University Institutional Review Board human subjects policies (see the below informed consent forms). In addition, each of the eight students and two tutors representented in this article have given specific consent to their work being reproduced here.

Informed Consent Form for Students in the Study

The purpose of this research project entitled "Toward a Study of a MOO-Based Classroom," examines the extent to which students interact with the MOO environment, what effect that interaction has on the student's overall online activity, and what kinds of reflective comments the students make on the online experience. For this project, you will be asked to submit your MOO classroom logs, tutor conferences with margin comments, and post-essay reflections on the conferences to Joel English, and he will be reviewing those logs and reflections. Participation in this project will take only as much of your time as it takes to bring your material to Mr. English, decide whether you are willing to take part in the research, and sign the consent form.

Identification of all students involved will be kept strictly confidential. Most of the students involved in the research will remain un-identified in any way, and their levels of environmental interaction will be assessed and noted. However, six students will be selected from the group and identified by first name only. Nowhere in any report or listing will your last name, social security number, course section or any other identifying information be listed.

There are no foreseeable risks or ill effects from participating in this study. All online activity that will be considered in this study has been completed, and no extra work will be required on your part. Furthermore, participating in the study can in no way affect your grade for this or any course, nor can it affect your academic or personal standing in any fashion whatsoever.

There are several benefits to be expected from participation in this study. You and all Ball State composition students will benefit from what will be gathered from the online activity that you took part in. Also, Mr. English and others who read the research report will be able to design online activities within their classrooms more effectively because of what they learned from your inclusion in the project.

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw your consent and to discontinue participation in this study at any time without prejudice from the investigator and will not affect your grade.

Please feel free to ask any questions of Mr. English via e-mail, phone, or in person before signing the Informed Consent form and beginning the study, and at any time during the study.

For one's rights as a research subject, or for one's rights in research related injuries, the following persons may be contacted: Ms. Sandra Smith, Coordinator of Research Compliance, Academic Research and Sponsored Programs, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (317) 285-1600, or Dr. Barbara Rothlisberg, Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board, Dept. of Educational Psychology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (317) 285-8500.

* * *

I, , agree to participate in this research project entitled, "Toward a Study of a MOO-Based Classroom." I have had the study explained to me and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I have read the description of this project and give my consent to participate. I understand that I will receive a copy of this Informed Consent form to keep for future reference.

Participant's Signature			Date

Principal Investigator:			Faculty Supervisor
Joel A. English				Dr. Carole Clark Papper
RB 2115					RB 2115
Ball State University			Ball State University
Muncie, IN  47306			Muncie, IN  47306
Telephone:  (317) 285-8371		Telephone:  (317) 285-8372

Informed Consent Form for Tutors in the Study

The purpose of this research project entitled "Toward a Study of a MOO-Based Classroom," examines the extent to which students interact with the MOO environment, what effect that interaction has on the student's overall online activity, and what kinds of reflective comments the students make on the online experience. For this project, you will be asked only to agree to allow Joel English to study the MOO logs of the conferences you conducted with freshmen writers online last semester. Participation in this project will take only as much of your time as it takes Mr. English to explain the study to you, for you decide whether you are willing to take part in the research, and for you to sign the consent form.

The tutors involved in the study will be identified by first name only. Nowhere in any report or listing will your last name, social security number, course section or any other identifying information be listed.

There are no foreseeable risks or ill effects from participating in this study. All online activity that will be considered in this study has been completed, and no extra work will be required on your part. Participating in the study can in no way affect academic or personal standing in any fashion whatsoever.

There are several benefits to be expected from participation in this study. Ball State composition students will benefit from what will be gathered from the online activity that you took part in. Also, Mr. English and others who read the research report will be able to design online activities within their classrooms more effectively because of what they learned from your inclusion in the project.

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw your consent and to discontinue participation in this study at any time without prejudice from the investigator.

Please feel free to ask any questions of Mr. English via e-mail, phone, or in person before signing the Informed Consent form and beginning the study, and at any time during the study.

For one's rights as a research subject, or for one's rights in research related injuries, the following persons may be contacted: Ms. Sandra Smith, Coordinator of Research Compliance, Academic Research and Sponsored Programs, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (317) 285-1600, or Dr. Barbara Rothlisberg, Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board, Dept. of Educational Psychology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (317) 285-8500.

* * *

I, , agree to participate in this research project entitled, "Toward a Study of a MOO-Based Classroom." I have had the study explained to me and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I have read the description of this project and give my consent to participate. I understand that I will receive a copy of this Informed Consent form to keep for future reference.

Participant's Signature			Date

Principal Investigator:			Faculty Supervisor
Joel A. English				Dr. Carole Clark Papper
RB 2115					RB 2115
Ball State University			Ball State University
Muncie, IN  47306			Muncie, IN  47306
Telephone:  (317) 285-8371		Telephone:  (317) 285-8372

MOO-based Metacognition: Incorporating Online and Offline Reflection into the Writing Process
Joel A. English