

Reviewed by Elkie Burnside


The following clips provide a brief glimpse at ways the authors believe the text can be used and applied. The first clip and accompanying link provides an example teaching sequence created by Kristin L. Arola based on using Writer/Designer. The clip provides a brief description of her assignments and rationale. The next clip includes Jennifer Sheppard and Kristin Arola's opinions on the benefit of the text as well as a brief thoughts on assessment from Cheryl E. Ball. Brief descriptions outline the main ideas in each clip; clips do not need to be listened to in order to be understandable.

DTC/ENGL 355 ~ Multimedia Authoring: Exploring New Rhetorics

Arola provides an overview of how she developed a three part sequence of assignments using the concept of slow composition. She and the audience from the Computers and Writing 2014 panel session provide a brief critique of a student sample. The assignment descriptions can be found on Arola's website. You may want to follow the link before listening to the clip. (length 5:35)


Authorial Perspective and Advice

Sheppard, Arola, and Ball provide insight into possible benefits for using the text and aspects of assessment that may need to be addressed when using the book. (length 2:38)
