Though feminine pockets do exist, such as the Feminist Pedagogy Listserv,
Women on the Well, Systers, Geekgirl, and other discussion groups for and
about women, the dominance of masculinity is "constantly reinforced in
the computer culture and in the images presented in the consumer computing
market" (Coyle 43) .
In her examination of hacker culture, Netta Gilboa suggests that woman
are largely excluded from participation. She says, "Not that many women
frequent the underground, and most that do come into it as transients while
they are dating a hacker or as press to do a one-time story" (106)
The few women who do participate in this culture are often harassed:
one woman "had her phoned turned off by a hacker she would not have sex
with" (107)
Even in virtual spaces created to focus on women, sexism and patriarchal domination are prevalent. L. Jean Camp explains:
Also reflecting our larger society, participation in the computer world
is segregated according to sex. Women outnumber men in the workforce, but
men make up the large majority of high-level administrative positions.
Likewise, women are less represented in computer science and engineering,
while they are well-represented as users. MIT's department of electrical
engineering and computer science conducted a study of female enrollment
in 1995 and found that "imbalance does indeed exist. Women at MIT are about
half as likely as men to major in EECS. . . . For example, for 1991 S.B.
degrees granted, Computer Science had the lowest ratio of women to men
of any major at MIT with more than a few students" (Adams ).
Women are currently making numerous important contributions to the computer
field and in on-line communities, and the proportion of their contributions
continues to rise. Currently, however, just as in our larger society, public
and professional space on-line remains male-dominated.