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All fan images that appear under Mediating are used with permission. Specific references have been withheld in order to maintain anonymity.
Portions of this study were funded by a Rowan University Department of Writing Arts CGCE Grant. I'd like to thank my former research assistants, Jessica Landolfi and Devon Walder, for helping me wade through and come to an understanding of thousands of Springsteen-related tweets. This study would not have been possible without you. I'd also like to thank the two members of the Springsteen fan community, @girltrueheart and @indigoblur, who provided feedback on initial drafts of this article, Dan French who allowed me to include portions of Point Blank, and the fans who gave me permission to include tweeted images. Karl Stolley and Kevin Brock provided much appreciated jQuery help. And a sincere thank you to Christa Teston for looking at an initial draft, and along with Vincent Rhodes, for answering questions about applying grounded theory to tweets. Your insights have been so important.
Track 11: Conclusions
Track 1: Introduction