N. Katherine Hayles's website includes her CV, list of publications, digital resources, and links to media including her blog and recorded lectures.
How We Think: A Digital Companion, a companion text to How We Think, provides access to some of the raw data Hayles used.
Steve Tomasula's homepage provides a brief biography and links to his various publications: novels, short fiction, multimedia fiction, and essays.
TOC: A New-Media Novel provides an interactive introduction to Tamasula's novel. The overview helps with the understanding of Hayles's analysis of the text. The novel is also available as an iPad app.
Steven Hall's webpage provides visual complements to the concepts described in his novel. It also includes a short biography and a few links to other resources.
The Raw Shark Texts provides a brief summary, an excerpt, graphics, and other media about Hall's novel.
Mark Danielewski's site offers a multimodal look at the author and his work.
Only Revolutions is an interactive companion site to the novel.