Stephanie Vie’s overall research agenda centers on the construction of digital identities in social media spaces; as a teacher of writing, she is particularly interested in how social media technologies impact literate practices both within and beyond the classroom. Her research in game studies includes analyses of privacy policies and terms of service documents in social networking and mobile app games. Her book chapter, “‘You Are How You Play’: Privacy Policies and Data Mining in Social Networking Games” is forthcoming in Ashgate’s Computer Games and Technical Communication: Critical Methods and Applications at the Intersection (edited by LGI members Jennifer deWinter and Ryan Moeller). She is particularly intrigued by data mining and player telemetry in social and mobile gaming spaces.
She has also published on pedagogical applications of games in the composition classroom (“Tech Writing, Meet Tomb Raider: Using Video Games to Teach Usability and Revision” in e-Learning) as well as virtual worlds (“Are We Truly Worlds Apart? Building Bridges between Second Life and Secondary Education” in Computers and Composition Online and “Press Enter to ‘Say’: Using Second Life to Teach Critical Media Literacy” in Computers and Composition, co-authored with LGI member Jennifer deWinter).
Her research has appeared in the peer-reviewed academic journals First Monday; Computers and Composition: An International Journal; Computers and Composition Online; Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy; e-Learning and Digital Media; The Review of Communication; Professional Studies Review; and The Community Literacy Journal. She is also the author of the textbook e-Dentity (Fountainhead Press, 2011), which has been adopted nationally by over fifty university composition programs, and multiple chapters in edited collections such as Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom and Teaching Writing with Technology, among others.
She is co-editor of the Reviews Section for Kairos; a Project Director with the Computers and Composition Digital Press, an imprint of Utah State University Press; and an editorial board member of the undergraduate research journals Young Scholars in Writing and Xchanges.
Stephanie began gaming at an early age, beginning by hand-coding simple games in BASIC on her Apple IIe. She grew up playing cartridge-based games on the Atari 2600 and remembers one particularly memorable Christmas when she received the original Nintendo Entertainment System from her parents. Her favorite games are the Silent Hill series, Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve II, Katamari Damacy, and old-school Nintendo games like The Legend of Zelda. On her mobile devices, she can often be seen crushing some candy in Candy Crush Saga or tending to her jade rabbits in Disco Zoo.
Works by LGI Members
This section includes a bibliography of scholarly resources and further reading on games written by Learning Games Initiative Members.
Click HereAdvice and Resources
This section provides advice for those who wish to enter the field of game studies. It also describes further resources for those interested in research on games.
Click HereAbout the Interviewer
This section introduces the interviewer, Stephanie Vie (at the University of Central Florida), and describes her work with video and computer games.