Author Information

Spencer Schaffner

Literacy Centers

L iteracy centers are not unprecedented. Below are several examples of contemporary organizations that support literacy in a range of urban environments.

The "Urban Literacy Center" manifesto connects with this network while promoting a more overtly activist agenda in terms of textual production.

Matter Bookstore / Wolverine Publishing
Ft. Collins, CO

Nonprofit publisher, bookstore, and textual meeting place.

826 Valencia
San Francisco, CA

826 LA
New York City, NY

826 NYC
New York City, NY

826 Chicago
Chicago, IL

826 Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI

826 Boston
Boston, MA

826 Seattle
New York City, NY

Nonprofit writing/tutoring centers, teacher-support centers,
and creative-writing hubs.

Carnegie Mellon Community Literacy Center
Pittsburgh, PA

Community-based teaching space and projects.

Eli Goldblatt: "Alinsky's Reveille: A Community- Organizing Model for Neighborhood-Based Literacy Projects"
College English, 67.3: 274-295.

Article examining community-based learning, critiquing the often extractive relationships between universities and communities, and ultimately advocating for "knowledge activism."

Center for Literacy
Philadelphia, PA

Community-based nonprofit literacy provider.