Current Issue

Call for Webtexts: Disputatio Section

We invite you to submit your work to Kairos’s Disputatio section! We are committed to publishing high-quality webtexts that push the boundaries of knowledge-making in rhetoric and writing studies. Specifically, we are actively seeking provocations and mini-manifestos that use and speak to current theory or praxis in the field.

We specifically are interested in pieces that offer provocations to and for the field. While there are no specialized areas for the section, possible topics may include:

  • Artificial intelligence and its roles/effects related to our field.
  • Labor concerns and relations that permeate our work.
  • Manifestos and provocations related to the intersections of rhetoric, food, and community.

Why submit to Disputatio?

Developmental Feedback: We will review your work to offer feedback not only on content but form. We aim to help you develop your born-digital webtext to its highest potential.

Experimental Ethos: We not only allow but encourage an experimental ethos in Disputatio. We want to know what you have to say and we want you to be creative in how you say it.

Respectful Review: We understand the importance of timely feedback. Our review process aims to provide developmental feedback and decisions in a timely and respectful manner.

Submission Guidelines

Send initial query emails to the Disputatio Co-Editors Rick Wysocki ( and Ashley Beardsley ( The query should:

  • Be 250–300 words.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the topic and why you believe you have the background knowledge to support this provocation.
  • Include a description of your initial ideas regarding the webtext’s design. We ask that you review Kairos’s formatting guidelines to help you conceptualize your work.

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your experimental work in Kairos’s Disputatio section!

Ashley Beardsley Section Editor, Disputatio
Rick Wysocki Section Editor, Disputatio