hybrid://literature/cognition/design Index of External Links

The following links are referenced in the article, hybrid://literature/cognition/design. A brief description accompanies each link to provide a sense of its relevance and the rationale for including it in the article.

American Literature Survey Site (http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~daniel/amlit)

Work on this Web site anticipates many of the developments implemented in the WORP project and the article

As We May Think (http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/works/vbush/vbush.shtml)

This article by Vannevar Bush represents a seminal work in hypertext theory and is referenced regarding issues of cognition

Connections: A Guide to On-Line Writing (http://www.abacon.com/connections/index.html)

This textbook is referenced in the about the author section of the bridge for the article

Interactivity: A Forgotten Art? (http://intro.base.org/docs/interact/)

An article by Roderick Sims that is referenced regarding cognition and design

Interface Design for Computer-based Learning Environments (http://www.hbg.psu.edu/bsed/intro/docs/idguide/)

An article by Marshall G. Jones and James R. Okey that is referenced regarding pragmatic aspects of hypertext design

La Zambinella Meets the Cyborg: Barthes, S/Z, and Print-Based Literary Studies (http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~cwrl/v3n1/v3n1.html)

An article by John Slatin that is referenced regarding print limitations

Microsoft Internet Explorer Download Site (http://www.microsoft.com/ie/download/)

A link enabling readers to download browsers compatible with some of the advanced features of the article

Netscape Communicator Download Site (http://www.netscape.com/download/)

A link enabling readers to download browsers compatible with some of the advanced features of the article

Studio for Instructional Technology and English Studies (http://sites.unc.edu)

This instructional technology research center host the server where the active version of the article resides

Tenure and Technology: New Values, New Guidelines (http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/2.1/coverweb/nahrwold/kairos.html)

A Web piece that is referenced in relation to the pressures that are put on technology workers

The scripts used in the project (http://sites.unc.edu/tools/distribution/index.html)

The server-based scripts that facilitate interaction with the article can be dowloaded from this URL

Women of the Romantic Period Hypertext (WORP) (http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~worp/)

A link to the subject of the article, a literary Web project
