Links to Materials on the Web
The link "Alliance for Computers and Writing" points to, the homepage for the ACW national organization. ACW has played a significant role in academic publishing and related issues. The ACW listserv, featured on the homepage, has served as an invaluable resource to this online community.
The link "Argos" points to, of special interest because it represents one of the few Limited Area Search Engines which is also peer-reviewed. The Perseus Project, a Medieval site familiar to many scholars, is included along with many other impressive materials, such as course webpages. We found the text and images of very high quality.
The link "Scrolls from the Dead Sea" points to, an extensive exhibit from the Library of Congress. The site is notable not only for its valuable information (objects and text) but because of its broad access, which formerly was restricted to a small group of scholars.
The link "CIAO" points to, Columbia International Affairs Online. It has some similarities to the E-print archives in serving a specific group of actively working scholars. In addition to books, there are journal abstracts, working papers, and conference announcements.
The link "Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine" points to This free, monthly journal (edited by John December) only exists electronically and includes some fascinating explorations of "people, events, technology, public policy, culture, practices, study, and applications related to human communication and interaction in online environments." We have found many articles appropriate for students and scholars investigating these issues. Articles are archived and searchable by author, title, date, etc.
The links "E-print archives," "physics e-print archive," "," "xxx pre-print archive," "the xxx or e-print archive," and "electronic xxx pre-print archives in physics and math" point to, an which has been fundamental to our research. This group of scientists has been working with databases prior to the birth of the Internet and finds this mode of research essential to scholarly work.
The links "Malcolm Getz" and "Electronic Publishing in Academia" point to, which helped us theorize a third party agent between publishers and end-users. Getz's vision, articulated in "Electronic Publishing in Academia: An Economic Perspective." is part of the Proceedings of Scholarly Communication and Technology, Apr. 1997, Emory University. We found many valuable papers (see Varian), some of which have been crucial to our study.
The link "Women in Antiquity webpage" points to http://www.Colorado.EDU/Classics/clas2100/. John Gibert's course, "CLAS/WMST 2100: Women in Antiquity: Greece," has been included as part of the Perseus project and is an excellent example of why the peer-reviewing process is effective. The site includes two power point presentations of Greek culture (i.e. an Athenian wedding), a syllabus, and other informative course materials. We encourage teachers to examine the Perseus Project for other course materials conducive to teaching and learning in digital environments. This course is one of the many impressive courses linked to Diotima : Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World (
The links "Ginsparg," "Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village," and "Winners and Losers" point to, an extensive article examining how scientists conduct research online and through print publication and distribution. Paul Ginsparg discusses the minimal role print journals play in physics research and envisions a new model whereby the "institutions that support the research assert copyright privilege [and] assume the role of publishers." Ginsparg's distinction between scholarly and trade publications helped us theorize our new visions. We appreciate his communication with us about this work-in-progress.
The link "Paper House of Cards" points to, a response and challenge to Fytton Rowland's assertions about the value of online refereed publications. Harnad offers a "hybrid scenario," to produce both print and electronic editions of journals. The format of the article, short responses to several of Rowland's points, provides a short but useful overview of important production and distribution issues. Harnad's title, "Paper House of Cards: (and why it's taking so long to collapse)" illustrates his position.
The link "Hibbitts" points to, where "Last writes: Reassessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace" resides. Bernard Hibbits, a law professor at the University of Pittsburgh, has theorized ways to shift the production and distribution of texts. His work challenges current models of production and distribution of knowledge and has important implications for tenure policies. Hibbits calls for the abolishment of the law review in favor of E-journals, a change which promises to erase hierarchies and significantly change institutional practices in academia. Along with Harnad and Ginsparg, Hibbits has provided visions inspiring our own.
The link "JSTOR" points to Although this archival storage system is not revolutionary, we were interested in the collaboration between journal publishers and libraries. The interdisciplinarity of the site distinguishes it from others like the physics archive.
The link "Kairos" points to Kairos: A Journal for Teachers in Webbed Environments, This online, peer-reviewed journal features academic articles in hypertextual formats. Covering a broad range of issues, the journal also includes a news section featuring technological innovations, interviews, MOO sessions, and a conference section announcing upcoming meetings.
The link "online writing centers (OWLs)" points to The National Writing Center's Association, which is an NCTE Assembly, has sponsored Bruce Pegg's Writing Centers Online website. Bruce describes this site as "the most comprehensive list of Writing Center gopher, web, and OWL sites" online. The list can be searched alphabetically by school.
The link "MUSE" points to (13 Jan. 1998) and represents Project MUSE, one of the first digital archives we discovered. The site is notable as an early attempt to preserve library holdings and provide wider access to scholarly materials.
The link "RhetNet" points to This cyberjournal for rhetoric and writing includes a mix of "found" texts and various traditional types of scholarly discourse. Editor Eric Crump explains that RhetNet is "designed to provide rhetoric and Internet students and scholars with the means of capturing, contextualizing, searching, and retrieving some of the intriguing and valuable conversations that occur on various parts of the Net, but which too often lie scattered and forgotten in dusty corners of the virtual world. It provides a repository of netscholarship on rhetoric and writing as generated on the net."
The link "The Future of Electronic Journals" points to,
which is part of the Proceedings of Scholarly Communication and Technology,
Apr. 1997, Emory University. Hal Varian envisions an "Ex post" filtering
process which will necessarily replace current publish-or-reject publication
policies. These proceedings, which include the Getz and Regier articles,
were invaluable in helping us reconceive innovative publication and distribution
models. We encourage our readers to visit this site.
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