Synchronous Interventions: Revisiting Web Conferencing in the Composition Classroom

Lyra Hilliard

Instructor-led student chat. There are four chat columns and a video column with a list of attendees underneath the instructor's video


In this webtext, I demonstrate how web conferencing and collaborative word processing platforms can be used to bolster interactivity, teaching presence, and social presence in synchronous online writing classes. I do this through four Artifacts, which are annotated video excerpts of class recordings.

How to Read This Webtext

Upon entering the webtext, you will encounter an interactive layout with several potential starting places. I preview each page through a quick video (upper right) and with comments in the chat (lower right). Between these (middle right) is the scrollable Navigation menu, which remains the same on each page.

To get started from the "beginning," you may press play on the video in the upper right hand corner or start reading the Introduction in the main content window.