Index to "Rhetorics of the Web"
A note on using this index (Read
me first!)
Index to the Index (Jump to Major Sections)
- Introduction
- Cluster 1: Some background explorations
of hypertext writing on the web.
- Cluster 2: Explorations of hypertext
rhetoric: A polylog of optimistic, cynical and just plain questioning voice.
- 2.1: Hypertext, rhetoric, philosophy--Why
all of this matters.
- 2.2: Genres, Forms and
- Cluster 3: Effects of hypertext on its
readers and writers.
- 3.1: Readers.
- 3.2: Writers.
- Cluster 4: What this means to
- Extras (References, Comments,
And now the details:
- A
Way In Introduction to this Web.
- Further Discussion
of the Rhetorical Form of This Text Some of the choices I found myself
Cluster 1: Some background explorations
of hypertext writing on the web.
- My Sunny Predictions
about Electronic Text An optimistic voice--a summary of my 1991 article
predicting that electronic text would change outdated notions of intellectual
property. Mainly background.
- Few Native Hypertexts
Some speculations about why there are so few argumentative hypertexts in
scholarly discourse. A bit digressive but sets up the context for the argument.
- Webliography
of argumentative hypertexts written in "native hypertext" format.
(A woefully short list!)
- St
Moulthrop on Native Hypertext Link to Moulthrop's "Going Native"
node: more discussion of what "native hypertext" is.
Moulthrop on the Scholarly Environment Link to Moulthrop's argument
on this subject from "Shadow of an Informand."
"Getting Over the Edge" Link to Moulthrop's
"Getting Over the Edge" article.
Resistance to Electronic Scholarship
in General A modest digression on this subject.
Electronic Sholarship" Link to my article on this subject, pursuing
the digression deeper into Harnad's work on electronic publishing.
Stevan Harnad'son
Electronic Scholarship Links to Harnad's work.
- Is hypertext really different
from print text? Print is intertextual too. Does it matter?
- Landow
on the Uniqueness of Hypertext Quotation expanding on the above.
- What's Special about
Hypertext on the WWWeb? A brief argument that hypertext is qualitatively
different on the Web--more background.
Nelson's Xanadu Page
A link out to Ted Nelson's conception of the "docuverse" of webbed
- "Brent's Law"
on the Effects of Media A major theoretical lens.
- The Theory of Transformative
Technology Background on this theory, useful for those not already
steeped in McLuhan, Ong, Bolter, et al.
- Nancy
Kaplan' on Technological Determinism A caveat on transformation theory.
- Postmodern Critical Theory
A background note.
Cluster 2: Explorations of hypertext
rhetoric: A polylog of optimistic, cynical and just plain questioning voices
2.1: Hypertext, rhetoric, philosophy--Why
all of this matters.
- Is Hypertext Friendly
to Argumentative Rhetoric? The crux of my argument about the rhetoric
of hypertext.
- Philosophy and Rhetoric,
Argument and Exploration Distinctions among these terms to explore
my argument.
- Kolb and Ess on Rhetoric
and Philosophy An elaboration/digression on the above distinctions.
- Oakeshott on Conversation
An extended quotation to explore the conversational view of rhetoric.
- Burke's "Unending
Conversation" MetaphorAn extended quotation to explore a related
view of rhetoric.
- Plato on the Need for
Order Quotation suggesting that linear order is crucial to argument.
- Exploratory Rhetoric
Backing up on myself: maybe "argument" is too narrow a definition
of rhetoric.
Is Hypertext Formless? An elaboration of the
importance of form plus some self-criticism of my suggestion that hypertext
lacks form because it lacks linearity.
- Ess'
"Modernity and Postmodernism" A link out to Charles Ess's
article suggesting that some modernist ideas of determinant form may linger
in hypertext.
2.2: Genres, Forms and
- Hypertext Genres An
overview of the idea of "genre" as a meaning-making set of forms
(a la Miller and Bazerman); poses the question of whether hypertext has
enough "form" to sustain rhetoric.
- Bazerman on Rhetorical
Analyses of Genres An extended quotation from Bazerman.
- Hypertext Rhetorical
Forms Some preliminary speculations on what specific principles might
guide hypertext form.
- Kolb's List of Hypertext
Forms A list from Kolb's "Socrates in the
- December
on HT Characteristics and Qualities A list from December's "Living
in Hypertext."
- Eastgate
Publications A digressive link out to Eastgate for readers who want
to see what hypertext forms are offered by the leading hypertext commercial
- Hypertext Rhetorical
Functions A discussion of how hypertext forms grow out of different
hypertext functions.
- Bolter on Form in Hypertext
Fiction A quotation that suggests the link between form and function
in the genre of hypertext fiction.
- Barager on Form in Information
Retrieval A link to a lit review that suggests the link between form
and function in the most "classic" hypertext genre.
- "Hypertext
Theory as if the WWWeb Matters" A digression to a site that gives
some of Jorn Barger's personal speculations on hypertext forms.
Cluster 3: Effects of hypertext on its
readers and writers
3.1: Readers
- Reading Hypertext An
opening move in my darker ponderings, based on some disturbing analogies
between hypertext and television.
- Surfing Web Pages
Why many personal and academic web pages have no more coherences than
- Myron Tuman on Zapping
A depressing but interesting quotation from Tuman that extends the analogy
between hypertext, television and Cliff's Notes.
- "Now . . . This":
Neil Postman on Television A quotation that captures Postman's view
of television as an assault on relevant connection.
- McLuhan Hot and Cool
A less depressing account of television using McLuhan's framework of
- Michael Heim on Reflection
Heim's concerns about electric speed, without the television analogy.
- Michael Heim on Discipline
Heim's suggestion for a remedy.
- Cognitive Growth
Speculations on why a diet of hypertext could stunt cognitive growth.
- Perry on Cognitive Development
An extended background discussion of William Perry's work by Joanne Kurfiss.
3.2: Writers
- Writing Hypertext
Possible negative effects of hypertext on those who write it.
- Tuman's
Comments on Kaplan Tuman's response to Kaplan's "E-literacies"
article, in which Tuman elaborates on his concerns about hypertext and
A link to the Kaplan hypertext article that Tuman is responding to (how
- Papyrocentric Attitudes
In which I question my own doom and gloom, and segue into some teacherly
- Plato on Writing
Plato's famous denunciation of writing, by way of suggesting that we don't
always know much about the media we use.
- Kaplan
on participating in the electronic world A link out to Kaplan's plea
for teachers to find out more about these new media.
Cluster 4: What this means to
- Our Role as Teachers
A fundamental question: do we resist or embrace the new world
of hyperliteracy?
- The Clickable Classroom
What we're resisting or embracing.
- Resisting the Clickable
Classroom A hard line.
- Co-opting the Clickable
Classroom Another approach.
- Lemk
"Hypermedia and Higher Education" A link out to an article
on teaching students how to use hypertext efficiently.
- Barnes'
"Hypertext Literacies" Another article on efficient hypertext.
- Teaching Hypertext
Genres An introduction to the idea of teaching hypertext as a genre.
- Teaching Academic Discourse
Genre theory to explain why this matters.
- Bartholomae on Teaching
Academic Discourse More on teaching adademic genres.
- "Writing
Genres, Writing Classes, Writing Textbooks" A link out to my article
on genre--something of a digression but it illustrates the shaping power
of generic expectations
- Flexible Tools for
Hypertext Literacy How to, sort of, maybe.
- Responding to Student
Hypertexts Back around the circle to the question of how we respond
so that students know what good hypertext looks like.
- Reading as Exploration
in the Hypertext Classroom How to revise our views of reading to take
account of hypertext's nature
- Collaboration in Hypertext
A sprinkling of ideas on how collaboration might be the natural mode of
hypertext writing
- Intellectual Dishonesty
A mild digression on some of the problems created by collaboration.
- Patchwriting A
discussion of how borrowing can be a transitional stage in writing.
- Lunsford
et al, "What Matters Who Writes?" A link out to one of Lunsford's
articles on ownership of knowledge.
- Brent's
"Ownership of Knowledge" article, a link out to an article
which argues that electronic text deprivileges ownership.
- Johnson's
"Writing Spaces: Technoprovocateurs and OWLs in the Late Age of Print"
A link out to a survey of on-line wriitng labs as sites of collaboration.
- Landow's
Dickens Web An example of student hypertext.
Hypertext Gallery
of Student Writing at Missouri More examples.
cited in this web.
- Comments
and Annotations Additional material from readers
and afterthoughts from me.