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A. Criteria for Tenure for Professorial Ranks
(The criteria used to evaluate the faculty member for tenure are as follows:)
Achievement in research and creativity is demonstrated by capping a record of research and/or creative activity with refereed or editorially reviewed publications. It is not appropriate to the spirit of these English Department Guidelines, however, to specify an absolute number of publications for tenure and promotion decisions.
Publications may include scholarly articles, book chapters, or books. The articles should be published in international, national, regional, or state refereed or editorially reviewed journals. Among the types of books considered are scholarly and creative books and textbooks. The quality of the publishing house will be considered.
For candidates in creative writing, published works may include works of fiction or a body of poetry in international, national, regional, or state refereed or editorially reviewed periodicals. The quality of the periodical will be considered. A candidate in dramatic writing is expected to have staged performances or publications of dramatic works at the national, regional, state, or local, if deemed appropriate, level.
Other publications, such as book review essays, encyclopedia articles, and biographical essays, will be considered on their merits.
The candidate in critical scholarship and creative writing may submit a combination of scholarly and creative publications to meet the above requirements.
The candidate is expected to have presented papers at regional or national scholarly conferences and/or to serve in an office(s) of national or regional scholarly organization(s).
The candidate in creative writing is expected to have given public readings and/or to serve in an office(s) of national or regional scholarly organization(s).
The candidate is expected to stay current in areas of expertise through attendance at such scholarly, creative, and professional settings as conferences, workshops, or seminars. The candidate should provide evidence of continued scholarly, creative, and professional development.
Computer-related work in any of the three areas listed above will be evaluated in accordance with the MLA Guidelines and attachments in the Appendix.
B. Criteria for Academic Appointment and Promotion for Tenure-Track Positions
These may include scholarly articles, book chapters, or books. The articles should be published in international, national or regional refereed or editorially reviewed journals. The quality of the journal will be considered. Among the types of books considered are scholarly and creative books and textbooks. The quality of the publishing house will be considered.
For candidates in creative writing, published works may include works of fiction or a body of poetry. These works should be published in an international, national or regional refereed or editorially reviewed journal or a chapbook of fiction or poetry. The quality of the journal or publishing house will be considered. The candidate in dramatic writing is expected to have staged performances or publications of dramatic works. These works should be staged at the national or regional level.
Other publications, such as book review essays, encyclopedia articles, and biographical essays, will be considered on their merits.
The candidate in critical scholarship and creative writing may submit a combination of scholarly and creative publications to meet the above requirements.
The candidate is expected to have presented papers at regional or national scholarly conferences and/or to serve in an office(s) of national or regional scholarly organization(s).
The candidate in creative writing is expected to have given readings as an invited guest of a university, college, or other appropriate forum and/or to serve in an officer(s) of national or regional scholarly organization(s).
The candidate is expected to stay current in areas of expertise through attendance at such scholarly, creative, and professional settings as conferences, workshops, seminars, or fellowships. The candidate must provide evidence of continued scholarly, creative and professional development.
Computer-related work in any of the above areas will be evaluated in accord with the MLA Guidelines and attachments in the Appendix.
To be appointed or promoted to the rank of Professor, a faculty member shall have manifested a deep-seated and on-going commitment to teaching, to research and/or creative production, and to professional service.
Specifically, this faculty member shall have:
The candidate is expected to have published works beyond those presented for promotion to Associate Professor. Among works that will be considered are scholarly articles, book chapters, and books. The articles should be published in international, national or regional refereed or editorially reviewed journals. The quality of the journal will be considered. Among the types of books considered are scholarly books and textbooks. The quality of the publishing house will be considered.
The candidate in creative writing is expected to have published works of fiction or poetry beyond those presented for promotion to Associate Professor. The works should be published in international, national or regional refereed or editorially reviewed journals. The quality of the journal or publishing house, in the case of a chapbook or book, will be considered.
The candidate in dramatic writing is expected to have staged performances or publications of dramatic works beyond those presented for Associate Professor. These should be staged at the national or regional level.
Other publications, such as book review essays, encyclopedia articles, and biographical essays, will be considered on their merits.
The candidate in critical scholarship and creative writing may submit a combination of scholarly and creative publications to meet the above requirements.
The candidate is expected to have presented papers at regional or national scholarly conferences beyond those presented for promotion to Associate Professor and/or to serve as officer of a scholarly regional or national organization beyond the service presented for promotion to Associate Professor.
The candidate in creative writing is expected to have given readings as an invited guest of a university or college beyond those given for promotion to Associate Professor, and/or to serve as officer(s) of a national or regional scholarly organization(s) beyond the service presented for promotion to Associate Professor.
The candidate is expected to stay current in areas of expertise through attendance at such scholarly, creative, and professional settings as conferences, workshops, seminars, fellowships. The candidate must provide evidence of continued scholarly, creative, and professional development.
Computer-related work in any of the above areas will be evaluated in accord with the MLA Guidelines and the attachments in the Appendix.
The Department of English bases its criteria for this rank on the following section from the Bradley University Faculty Handbook (Appendix B, 130b): Because the purpose of the Lecturer rank is specifically to provide teaching for introductory courses, the appointment, annual evaluation, and tenure requirements are specific to this rank. Faculty members at the rank of Lecturer will be evaluated on teaching effectiveness and professional service only, with particular emphasis on teaching. Lecturers are engaged for the exceptional contributions they can make to the classroom and/or laboratory in their courses and are not, therefore, expected to engage in the research and creative production activities of the type appropriate and necessary for the professorial ranks;
While not required for tenure, publications related to teaching areas will be highly valued. The quality and place of the publication will be considered.
Computer-related work in any of the above areas will be evaluated in accord with the MLA Guidelines and attachments in the Appendix.
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Last revised February 6, 1997