In "What Matters Who Writes? What Matters who Responds" Andrea Lunsford, Rebecca Rickly, Michael Salvo and Susan West collaborate hypertextually, probing issues of intellectual property as they get played out in the academic arena. Reflecting on the process of working together, Michael Salvo (MJS) asks Andrea Lundsford (AL):
MJS: Does hypertextual communication represent significant changes in discourse? Will hypertextual scholarly discourse change scholarly discourse?AL: My greatest hope is that hypertextual scholarship will show forth the intricate patterns of indebtedness, intertextuality, shared authority, and collaboration embedded in all scholarly discourse and hence change the culture of the academy and of the way the academy values and rewards such discourse. I don't know whether or not this goal will be achieved, and on my bad days I doubt that it even has a chance. But I still am hopeful that such a change may ensue. (Conclusion)
We believe that MOO is one place where people like Andrea Lunsford will encounter people like Tbone , giving us solid, tangible reasons to believe not only that change is possible, but has already occurred. On our "bad days" we have only to MOO our worries and concerns.