An Inconvenient Rhetorical Truth

by Ted Remington

Sinclair Broadcasting

Sinclair Broadcasting's Site

Locations of Sinclair-Owned TV Stations

Sourcewatch Entry on Sinclair Broadcasting

Article: "The Death of Local News"

Rolling Stone on Sinclair

Bill Moyers on Sinclair

Sinclair's Folly (Humor)

Political Donations by Sinclair Executives

Sinclair and "The Fallen"

Sinclair and "Stolen Honor"


Mark Hyman

Media Matters on Hyman and "The Point"

Media Matters Responses to Hyman

Sinclair Media Watch on Hyman

Hyman Ceases Broadcasting "The Point"

Speculation on Hyman's Departure

A Case Study in Fighting the Rhetorical Warming of the Public Sphere


The Counterpoint Blog

Mark Hyman's Attack on "The Point"

MediaMatters Responds to Hyman's Original Attack

MediaMatters Responds to Hyman's Correction

Some Closing Thoughts

References and Links