This essay outlines how Joyce got involved in the creation of Storyspace.
In his words:
"What I really wanted to do, I discovered, was not merely to move a
paragraph from page 265 to 7 but to do so almost endlessly. I wanted,
quite simply, to write a novel that would change in successive readings
and to make those changing versions according to the connections that I
had for some time naturally discovered in the process of writing and that
I wanted my readers to share" (31).
Through what follows in his pursuit of the everchanging novel, Joyce
reveals his thoughts on creativity and learning, shared with Roger Schank
and the "people at Yale." "...[T]hought discloses itself in connections
rather than in substance and ...learning is characterized by the activity
of explanation" (34). This, of course, describes what Joyce, Bolter, and
crew were trying to demonstrate with Storyspace.
One other notable quote from Roger Schank in this chapter:
"In political matters, go the way of most resistance, because what you
believe you likely haven't thought through. But in the way of
intellectual matters and your own research, go the way of least
resistance, for what comes easily to you will likely be hard for anyone
else to understand and will probably represent a real discovery once you
can explain it to them" (35).